Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Biofilms: The Social Life of Microorganisms

Microorganisms typically do not live as single cells in pure cultures. The vast majority lives in mixed populations, organized in aggregates which are termed â€Å"biofilms†. This includes films at interfaces, flocks (floating films), sludge’s and microbial mats. They all have emergent properties in common that only can be developed in the aggregated form: they generate a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances which keeps them together, allows for the development of stable, synergistic micro consortia and for intense cell-cell communication. The matrix is activated by extracellular enzymes which are retained in it, representing an external digestion system. This system also sequesters nutrients from the environment and serves as ultimate recycling yard and nutrient source. Horizontal gene exchange is facilitated with a vast gene pool present. In biofilms, organisms differentiate rapidly, forming phenotypically different subpopulations, a mechanism which contributes to ecological fitness. Resistance to biocides is enhanced by a range of mechanisms. On the other hand, strong competition prevails in which attacking and defence strategies evolved, including the formation of antibiotics and bacteriocins. Grazing organisms can limit biofilm growth but also stimulate ecological fitness. Even â€Å"programmed cell death† is observed, leading to a more porous matrix which allows for better access of nutrients for organisms in the depth of the matrix. Under stress conditions, cells can transform into a viable but not cultivable (VBNC) state which is of relevance for public hygiene because they cannot be detected with the methods designed for their determination but can resuscitate. Biofilms represent the oldest, most abundant and successful form of life on Earth, displaying aspects of multicellularity. Life evolved from biofilms and they are involved in the biogeochemical cycles of all major elements. In biofilms, photosynthesis was developed biofilms they are responsible for the self-purification mechanisms of soils, sediments and water. However, biofilms can occur in the wrong place and time, causing bio fouling, bio corrosion and bio deterioration, leading to substantial economic loss and supporting an entire industry dedicated to cleaning and disinfection. In medicine, they are cause of persistent infections and are related to many diseases. In general, biofilms are of fundamental but mostly unaccounted relevance for our life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Availability of Drinking Water

INTRODUCTION Drinking water or potable water is water of sufficiently high quality that it can be consumed or used without risk of immediate or long term harm. In most developed countries, the water supplied to households, commerce and industry is all of drinking water standard, even though only a very small proportion is actually consumed or used in food preparation. Clean drinking water has yet to be completely recognized as a basic human right. While water plays a vital role in every aspect of life, some do not realize the gravity of the shrinking clean water sources. When unclean water is consumed, it can cause serious illnesses, sometimes leading to death. According to statistics provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1. 1 billion of the world's 6 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water sources. Drinking Water is essential to the survival of all organisms,water has always been an important and life-sustaining drink to humans. Excluding fat, water composes approximately 70% of the human body by mass. It is a crucial component of metabolic processes and serves as a solvent for many bodily solutes. Health authorities have historically suggested at least eight glasses, eight fluid ounces each (168 ml), of water per day (64 fluid ounces, or 1. 89 litres),and the British Dietetic Association recommends 1. 8 litres. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has determined that the average adult actually ingests 2. 0 litres per day. 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water. Water is available almost everywhere if proper methods are used to get it. Sources where water may be obtained include: ground sources such as groundwater, hyporheic zones and aquifers. precipitation which includes rain, hail, snow, fog, etc. urface water such as rivers, streams, glaciers biological sources such as plants. the sea through desalination Access to safe water can be measured by the number of people who have a reasonable means of getting sufficient water that is safe for drinking. Availability of safe drinking water is an indicator of the health of a country. A developed country will be more efficient in collecting, cleaning and distributing water to consumers. It is a sad fact but is true that ninety percent of urban sewage in the developing world is discharged into rivers and other water bodies. In the developing world, millions of residents lack a source of safe drinking water near their homes. People get safe drinking water from various sources such as household connection, borehole, protected dug well, public standpipe etc. But the Question that arises is : † Does everyone has safe drinking water available? † Availability of drinking water scenario in India is very Bad as compared to other countries like USA, England, China etc. as can be observed from the underlying table: Countries Amount Finland:100% Australia:100% Netherlands:100% Norway:100% Sweden:100% Switzerland:100% United Kingdom:100% United States:100% Russia:99% Bangladesh:97% Albania:97% Egypt:97% Pakistan:90% Nepal:88% Brazil:87% South Africa:86% India:84% A detailed analysis can be seen in the graph shown : Paste this map over here.. http://www. mapsofworld. com/thematic-maps/safe-drinking-water. htm The availability of Drinking Water is hampered and altered depending upon various factors such as, Drinking Water pollution, Wastage, Demand supply ratios, Treatment methods etc. INDIAN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRINKING WATER Indian Standards has set various limits over different chemical and physical properties of Water, in order to label it as Safe and Drinking Water, a sample of water, lying in the permissible range set as per IS, is safe for drinking. Following are the IS Specifications for Drinking Water : S. NO. Parameter Requirement desirable Limit Remarks 1. Color 5 May be extended up to 50 if toxic substances are suspected 2. Turbidity 10 May be relaxed up to 25 in the absence of alternate 3. pH 6. 5 to 8. 5 May be relaxed up to 9. 2 in the absence of alternate 4. Total hardness 300 May be extended up to 600 5. Calcium as Ca 75 May be extended up to 200 . Magnesium as Mg 30 May be extended up to 100 7. Copper as Cu 0. 05 May be relaxed up to 1. 5 8. Iron 0. 3 May be extended up to1 9. Manganese 0. 1 May be extended up to0. 5 10. Chlorides 250 May be extended up to1000 11. Sulphates 150 May be extended up to 400 12. Nitrates 45 No relaxation 13. Fluoride 0. 6 to 1. 2 If the limit is below 0. 6, wa ter should Be rejected, Max. Limit is extended to 1. 5 14. Phenols 0. 001 May be relaxed up to 0. 002 15. Mercury 0. 001 No relaxation 16. Cadmium 0. 01 No relaxation 17. Selenium 0. 01 No relaxation 18. Arsenic 0. 05 No relaxation 19. Cyanide 0. 05 No relaxation 20. Lead 0. 1 No relaxation 21. Zinc 5. 0 May be relaxed up to 10. 0 22. Anionic detergents (MBAS) 0. 2 May be relaxed up to 1 23. Chromium 0. 05 No relaxation 24. Poly nuclear aromatic Hydrocarbons — — 25. Mineral oil 0. 01 May be relaxed up to 0. 03 26. Residual free chlorine 0. 2 Applicable only when water is chlorinated 27. Pesticides Absent — 28. Radioactive — — REQUIREMENT V/s. AVAILABILITY Water. If you've got it, you probably take it for granted. But a quick scan of the globe — and a chat with the tiny group of researchers who are obsessed by fresh water — both indicate that water shortages are looming. And they aren't necessarily in the future, either. You don't miss your water, an old blues sage wisely said, 'til your well runs dry. Down here on planet Earth, the well is starting to run dry. We've seen projections that three billion people — half of today's population — will be short of water in 2025. The Earth has a finite supply of fresh water, stored in aquifers, surface waters and the atmosphere. Sometimes oceans are mistaken for available water, but the amount of energy needed to convert saline water to potable water is prohibitive today, explaining why only a very small fraction of the world's water supply derives from desalination. The Millennium Development Goal of halving the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water between 1990 and 2015 is a target we are aiming for. Although some countries still face enormous challenges. Rural communities are the furthest from meeting the 2015 MDGs drinking water target. Globally only 27% of the rural population has water piped directly to their home and 24% rely on unimproved sources. Of the 884 million people without access to an improved water source, 746 million people (84%) live in rural areas. Sub-Saharan Africa has made the least progress in improved water sources since 1990, improving only 9% to 2006. In contrast, the Eastern Asian region saw a dramatic drop from 45% to 9% reliance on unimproved water in the same time period. The shortage of water in our country is slowly affecting the lives of people as well as the environment around them. Some of the major issues that need urgent attention are: †¢ As a result of excessive extraction of ground water to meet agriculture, industrial and domestic demands, drinking water is not available during the ritical summer months in many parts of the country. †¢ About 10 per cent of the rural and urban population does not have access to regular safe drinking water and many more are threatened. Most of them depend on unsafe water sources to meet their daily needs. Moreover, water shortages in cities and villages have led to large volumes of water being collected and transported over great distances by tankers and pipelines. †¢ Chemical contaminants namely fluoride, arsenic and selenium pose a very serious health hazard in the country. It is estimated that about 70 million people in 20 states are at risk due to excess fluoride and around 10 million people are at risk due to excess arsenic in ground water. Apart from this, increase in the concentration of chloride, TDS, nitrate, iron in ground water is of great concern for a sustainable drinking water programme. All these need to be tackled holistically. With over extraction of groundwater the concentration of chemicals is increasing regularly. †¢ Ingress of seawater into coastal aquifers as a result of over-extraction of ground water has made water supplies more saline, unsuitable for drinking and irrigation. Pollution of ground and surface waters from agrochemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) and from industry poses a major environmental health hazard, with potentially significant costs to the country. The World Bank has estimated that the total cost of environmental, damage in India amounts to US$9. 7 billion annually, or 4. 5 per cent of the gross domestic product. Of this, 59 per cent results from the health impacts of water pollution (World Bank 1995). DRINKING WATER POLLUTION Availability of drinking water is largely affected by its pollution, which has been leading and will lead to a decrease in its availability in the coming future. Drinking water pollution is a bigger problem than most people realize. While drinking water filters and bottled water has become a staple in our society, most consumers still use unfiltered drinking water for cooking, filling pet water bowls and bottles, and for mixing powdered drink mixes. Drinking water pollution is a big enough problem within our country to warrant the same vigilance as we give other health hazards. There are numerous sources that pile up into serious contamination potential for all drinking water. Whether your water is coming from a well on your property or if you are using â€Å"filtered† city water sources, the chances that you have a problem with drinking water pollution is quite high. Groundwater testing has shown that in any given area throughout the country as many as 200 variable contaminants have been detected. Long term exposure can create numerous health problems, including lead poisoning. While not every single contaminant is destined to cause a serious health problem or even any health problem at all, you can not count on your local contaminants to be harmless. Agriculture practices are one of the largest sources of groundwater contaminants. The chemical used in controlling bugs and other chemically based treatments run directly into the groundwater supply. Pesticides and poisonous agricultural raw waste can contaminate more than 40% of the surrounding groundwater. Ingress of seawater into coastal aquifers as a result of over-extraction of ground water has made water supplies more saline, unsuitable for drinking and irrigation. Pollution of ground and surface waters from agrochemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) and from industry poses a major environmental health hazard, with potentially significant costs to the country. Another major contributor to drinking water pollution is urban run off. Another human based contribution that needs to be controlled at the source in order to save our drinking water supply. When rain washes urban trash, chemicals, and pollutants from the structures and roadways of populated areas, there is no way for the water to filter itself on its way to the groundwater. Everything from basic trash, cigarette butts, antifreeze, motor oil, gasoline, pesticides, and other daily use products are all contributing factors in groundwater contamination caused by urban run off. Practicing safer disposal practices of automobile chemicals, putting together trash clean up projects, and using environmentally safe household products can help cut down on urban run off pollutants. Lead is one of the most concerning urban run off pollutants, as lead poisoning can cause learning problems, chronic emotional and health issues, and is non-reversible. Drinking lead contaminated water is a serious health problem. Water Treatment Water treatment is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, materials, and biological contaminants from raw water. The goal is to produce water fit for a specific purpose. Most water is purified for human consumption (drinking water) but water purification may also be designed for a variety of other purposes, including meeting the requirements of medical, pharmacology, chemical and industrial applications. It is important to take measures to make available water of desirable quality at the consumer end. That leads to protection of the treated water during conveyance and distribution after treatment. It is common practice to have residual disinfectants in the treated water in order to kill any bacteriological contamination after water treatment. Processes for treatment of drinking water: The combination of following processes is used for municipal drinking water treatment worldwide: Pre-treatment: It consists or removal of large debris such as sticks, leaves, trash and other large particles which may interfere with subsequent purification steps. It also includes treatment of water with soda-ash to remove hardness or chlorine to minimize the growth of fouling organisms on the pipe-work and tanks. pH adjustment: Distilled water has a pH of 7. If the water is acidic, lime, soda ash, or sodium hydroxide is added to raise the pH. Acid (HCl or H2SO4) may be added to basic waters in some circumstances to lower the pH. Making the water slightly basic ensures that coagulation and flocculation processes work effectively and also helps to minimize the risk of lead being dissolved from lead pipes and lead solder in pipe fittings. Flocculation: It is a process which removes any turbidity or color so that the water is clear and colorless and is done by causing a precipitate to form in the water which can be removed using simple physical methods. Coagulants / flocculating agents that may be used include: Iron (III) hydroxide Aluminium hydroxide PolyDADMAC Sedimentation: Water exiting the flocculation basin may enter the sedimentation basin, also called a settling basin. The dimensions of the tank are chosen such that it can lead to maximum particles settling down. As particles settle to the bottom of the basin, a layer of sludge is formed on the floor of the tank. This layer of sludge must be removed and treated accordingly. Filtration: After separating most floc, the water is filtered as the final step to remove remaining suspended particles and unsettled floc. Different types of filters are: Rapid sand filters Slow sand filters Lava filters Disinfection: It is accomplished both by filtering out harmful microbes and also by adding disinfectant chemicals in the last step in purifying drinking water. Different types of disinfections are: Chlorine disinfection Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection Ozone disinfection Ultraviolet disinfection Hydrogen peroxide disinfection Various portable methods of disinfection Solar water disinfection Biological processes are also employed in the treatment of wastewater and these processes may include, for example, aerated lagoons, activated sludge etc. There is no unique solution (selection of processes) for any type of water. Also, it is difficult to standardize the solution in the form of processes for water from different sources. Selection of any of the following methods depends on the scale of the plant and quality of the water. Wastage/Conservation of Water Water is needed for our survival. It is the most important resource for us. So its high time for us to realize this and start conserving water. So we need awareness among people so that each individual puts effort at their level and contribute to the larger cause on the whole. Saving the earth from such a crisis would not be possible without the efforts of each individual. People can start at home by not letting their taps open and by not spilling the drinking water. People should not let their taps run when its not needed. It is important for them to realize that millions of people don't even get access to drinking water. Government needs to implement stricter laws to avoid wastage of water during distribution. Higher fines can be imposed on people who waste water and higher incentives can be given to those conserving water. Recycled water can be used for gardening, washing etc. Due to the current water crisis. Only during times of shortage, do we take emergency measures; saving water should be followed even when there is surplus. If not for the current water shortage, not many would have taken notice of such occasions. During the time when we used to get good rainfall, we never conserved water. A large city needs billions of litres of drinking water every day to service the needs. We will have to make alternate water sources like rainwater harvesting, dig wells and bore wells for our use. The civic corporation should take the initiative to check the broken water pipelines. Such networks rupture occasionally which result in wastage of water every day and should repair it. There should be a specific limit for using water, every society should strictly abide by it should be enforced by society’s office bearers. Due to leakage to existing drinking water pipelines, every day millions of litres of drinking water is going waste. If wastage is stopped the drinking water supply will improve to some extent. The supply of drinking water is not increasing according to demand. As a result, drinking water scarcity is arising. Urban Water Supply Even though the rate of urbanisation in India is among the lowest in the world, the nation has more than 250 million city-dwellers. Experts predict that this number will rise even further, and by 2020, about 50 per cent of India's population will be living in cities. This is going to put further pressure on the already strained centralised water supply systems of urban areas. The urban water supply and sanitation sector in the country is suffering from inadequate levels of service, an increasing demand-supply gap, poor sanitary conditions and deteriorating financial and technical performance. According to Central Public Health Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO) estimates, as on 31 March 2000, 88 per cent of urban population has access to a potable water supply. But this supply is highly erratic and unreliable. Transmission and distribution networks are old and poorly maintained, and generally of a poor quality. Consequently physical losses are typically high, ranging from 25 to over 50 per cent. Low pressures and intermittent supplies allow back siphoning, which results in contamination of water in the distribution network. Water is typically available for only 2-8 hours a day in most Indian cities. The situation is even worse in summer when water is available only for a few minutes, sometimes not at all. A Stress Situation According to a World Bank study, of the 27 Asian cities with populations of over 1,000,000, Chennai and Delhi are ranked as the worst performing metropolitan cities in terms of hours of water availability per day, while Mumbai is ranked as second worst performer and Calcutta fourth worst (Source: Background Paper – International Conference on New Perspectives on Water for Urban & Rural India – 18-19 September, 2001, New Delhi. ) In most cities, centralised water supply systems depend on surface water sources like rivers and lakes. Chennai, for instance, has to bring in water from a distance of 200 km whereas Bangalore gets its water from the Cauvery river, which is 95 km away. Where surface water sources fail to meet the rising demand, groundwater reserves are being tapped, often to unsustainable levels. Delhi: The nation's capital is perpetually in the grip of a water crisis, more so during the dry season, when the situation gets particularly worse. As the demand-supply gap widens, more groundwater is being exploited. Of the water supplied by the municipality, approximately 11 per cent comes from groundwater reserves and remaining from the Yamuna river. It is, however, difficult to establish the total quantity of groundwater extracted because a large number of tubewells (owned by individuals, industries and bottled water companies) remain unregistered. In Delhi approximately 13 per cent (Source: Zerah. , M Helene, 2000, Water – Unreliable Supply in Delhi, French Research Institute of India) households do not receive water every day and in Rajkot, Gujarat, water availability in April 2000 was only for 30 minutes every alternate day. Rural Water Supply The rural population of India comprises more than 700 million people residing in about 1. 42 million habitations spread over 15 diverse ecological regions. It is true that providing drinking water to such a large population is an enormous challenge. Our country is also characterised by non-uniformity in level of awareness, socio-economic development, education, poverty, practices and rituals which add to the complexity of providing water. Dependence on the state has meant that with the cost of water supply being high and cost recovery being poor, the financial sustainability of water schemes has run aground, and repairs and maintenance is abysmal. With people having no interest in using water carefully, the sustainability of water has itself become questionable. There are serious problems with government drinking water supply schemes. Despite government efforts, the number of ‘problem villages' does not seem to go down, The government has indeed invested heavily on water resources development, which focussed on large-scale irrigation development for increasing green revolution-style agriculture production and drinking water supply programmes. Yet, a large part of the country remains drought-prone. This is because no specific effort has been made to drought-proof rainfed areas which suffer from high rainfall variability from year to year. Role of Government Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Environment and Forest and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare all have got a different roles to play to provide drinking water of adequate quantity and potable quality to meet the health needs of the community. All of them are involved and play their respective roles to provide quality water and its management. Roles of different agencies are listed below: †¢ Ministry of Water Resources: The Central Ground Water Board is monitoring both quantitative and qualitative data with regard to ground water. Apart from this CGWB has developed ground water maps concerning various qualitative issues. †¢ Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation: Working through various Urban Bodies, the Ministry is involved in monitoring drinking water quality in the urban agglomerations. There are quite a few Water Boards especially in Metro Cities who are equipped to take up the job, but not all urban bodies keep watch of the quality of water being provided on regular basis. †¢ Ministry of Rural Development: Department of Drinking Water in the Ministry is working through State public Health Engineering Departments or Water oards are monitoring the drinking water quality in the rural areas of the country. Almost all the districts do have WQ laboratory. Though WQ is generally tested during installation, follow up testing is not done on regular basis. The department in certain places is initiating community involvement for WQ testing including â€Å"Catchments Approach†. †¢ Ministry of Environment and Forests: Working through Central Pollution Control Board, the Ministry is involved in monitoring water quality of main rivers and big water bodies. Most of these water sources are being used for drinking water purposes. So CPCB itself or through State Pollution Control Boards is having a watch on raw water quality. †¢ Ministry of Health: So far the Ministry had been playing a limited role with regard to drinking water surveillance in some selected areas. But with the inclusion of drinking water under food category, MoH will be playing a significant role. Also Indian government enforced National water policy in 2002 and water pollution act( prevention and control) 1975 for maintaining water quantity and quality. CONCLUSIONS It takes the cooperation and the education of everyone to help clean up our biggest drinking water threats. The more environmentally friendly everyone becomes, the closer we get to finding cleaner drinking water and protecting our natural environment. Industrial and personal responsibility for our environment is the first and most significant step toward clean drinking water in the country in every community. According to a 2007 World Health Organization report, 1. 1 billion people lack access to an improved drinking water supply, 88% of the 4 billion annual cases of diarrhea disease are attributed to unsafe water and inadequate sanitation and hygiene, and 1. million people die from diarrheal diseases each year. The WHO estimates that 94% of these diarrheal cases are preventable through modifications to the environment, including access to safe water. Simple techniques for treating water at home, such as chlorination, filters, and solar disinfection, and storing it in safe containers could save a huge number of lives each year. Reducing deaths from waterborne diseases is a major public hea lth goal in developing countries.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Peer Reviews of Opinion Papers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Peer Reviews of Opinion Papers - Assignment Example This issue comes into discussion a little later. Considering the fact that introduction is supposed to shed brief light about the topic that is going to be discussed in more detail in the body and hence giving the reader a good view of what to expect, this introduction has not fulfilled that instruction and the reader is left to scan through the rest of the body of the written article to have grasp what the discussion is all about. Other than the lack of following the initial instructions about writing an introduction, the little bit discussed in the first part of the paper that is supposedly the introduction though vague and maybe ambiguous to some extent shed in little light about the expectations of the paper and the position the writer has taken. The writer has tried to give the rationale of the topic in discussion. More rationale should however have been provided to really convince the reader that the issue under discussion is a problem that needs to be addressed. The rationale though good as it is lacks enough justifications through evidences from researches or literature review and hence seems vague enough. After having a bit of trouble with the introduction section, the writer has done a good and commendable job on the body part of the discussion. Integration of references in the discussion which are supporting literature of the discussion has been integrated. With the references indicated, it is evident that the writer did an extensive literature review of the topic under discussion and hence came up with exemplary material enough to support the earlier stipulated position of the issue and to even convince the reader that it is the best position to take. The references also show differences in positions of various scholars from time immemorial until now and the changes in ideologies and beliefs and which is what makes the writer make a stand in supporting the issue

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Elder Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Elder Interview - Essay Example Digoxin helps the heart to beat more effectively; ? tab is taken daily. Lasix is taken orally 3 times daily as a diuretic which resolves water retention due to CHF. Singulair is a bronchodilator taken orally once daily. Warfarin is an anti-coagulant (a blood thinner) for reducing risk of cardiac events; the patient takes 2 tabs orally every evening. Diltiazem is an anti-arrythmic taken orally, twice a day in caplet form. Albuterol is a bronchodilator; the patient must take 2 puffs every four to six hours. Advair, an anti-asthmatic, is inhaled in one puff twice a day. Mesalamine is to treat inflammatory bowel disease; the patient takes 2 tabs orally twice a day. The patient also takes Pravastatin, which is a pipid-lowering agent for heart disease; the patient takes two tabs daily. Fluticasone is an anti-asthmatic; the patient should take 1 to 2 sprays in each nostril daily. Potassium chloride is taken by the patient as an electrolyte replacement; she takes this orally twice daily. Vit amin D is for prevention of vitamin deficiency; it is taken once or twice monthly. Hydrocodone is an opioid analgesic taken for pain management; 2 tabs are taken orally by the patient every 8 hours for pain. Nortryptiline is a tricyclic anti-depressant; 4 caplets are taken at bedtime, not to exceed 5 caps total. 2. What reminders does he/she use to remember to take the med? (14) The patient sets an alarm so she will know when to take her medications. 2a. Are these reminders effective? (10) These reminders appear to be very effective for the patient. 3. Any noted side effects experienced? (12) The side effects the patient experiences are some fatigue and occasional dizziness. 4. Is his/her physician aware of OTC or herbs that are taken? (15) The patient’s physician is aware of any over-the-counter or herbal medicines that are taken. ? 5. Any hospital admissions due to an adverse reaction, mishandling, or overdose? (14) There were no hospital admissions due to an adverse reacti on, mishandling, or overdose. ? 6. From whom or where does your client receive information regarding meds? (9) My client receives information regarding medications from her doctor. After the interview, refer to a drug reference text and answer the following questions: ?(10 points) PART II. ? 1. Does your client understand the reasons for taking the meds? (59) Yes, the patient notices right away when she doesn’t take her diuretic, because her hands and feet get swollen. She knows when it’s time for her pain medication, the Hydrocodone—and she knows because she begins to have pain. She knows that, if she doesn’t take her Advair and Singulair, she’s not going to be able to breathe right. 2. Does your client understand the â€Å"common† side effects, including the OTCs and herbs? Give examples. (39) The patient understands many of the common side effects that go along with the over-the-counter medications as well as her prescribed medications. F or example, she tries to plan taking most of her sedative medications before she goes to bed. 3. Is your client at risk for an adverse reaction? Why? (19) This particular client is at risk for adverse reactions because she is allergic to shellfish, as well as aspirin. 4. How does the number of meds taken by your client compare to the number of meds taken by your hospitalized clients? Does your hospitalized client have a better understanding of his/her meds as compared to your community dwelling client? (85) The number of medications taken by my patient is a lot compared to the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 28

No topic - Essay Example It is more difficult for men to adjust to female gender roles because most of them are raised in the masculine mindset of supremacy over women. Female gender roles are to them demeaning because that was never the gender role that they were trained for. However, even if men fail in their attempt to fill in the female gender role in a society, they will not be looked down upon by others because they will simply chalk it up to gender assigned training. Just look at the way that men and women are treated in the office. As a successful career woman, she is held back by the idea that women are family oriented first, career oriented second. A woman is expected to continue to care for her family and juggle her career at the same time. Those in higher positions at the office feel that a man is best for most jobs because women tend to â€Å"take leave when the kid gets the flu.†, leaving her work office duties hanging. They fail to take into account that women are the best time managers available and that the job will always get done provided they are given a chance to prove

Supply Chain --- Accessing Markets of the Urban Farmer Dissertation

Supply Chain --- Accessing Markets of the Urban Farmer - Dissertation Example Urban agriculture is totally different from peri-urban agriculture in the sense that urban agriculture is more focused on the use of gardens, vacant lots, balconies and small containers in growing vegetables and crops (FAO, n.d.). On the other hand, peri-urban agriculture is relying on farms that are situated close to a town or city (FAO, n.d.). One of the similarities between urban and peri-urban agriculture is that both types of agricultural activity produces homogenous products. In the study of economics, market structure of an industry is classified as either the market has monopolistic competition, oligopolistic, or a perfect competition (Tucker, 2011, pp. 136 – 180; Arnold, 2010, p. 458). Barrier to entry in urban and peri-urban agriculture is low since anybody can make it a practice to plant and harvest their own food supply. Because of the presence of so many buyers and sellers that sells homogenous products in the market, the market structure of urban and peri-urban f arming is classified as a perfect competition (Arnold, 2010, p. 458). 2.1.1 Mumbai, India Mumbai is one of the largest cities around the world that practice urban agriculture (Krause, 2010). Specifically the progress of urban farming in Mumbai was inspired by Dr. Doshi who conducted an experiment on food production in his own house (Vazhacharickal and Buerkert, 2011). Without requiring huge capital investment, Dr. Doshi converted his 1,200 sq. ft. terrace in Bandra for urban farming activities which allowed him to yield at least 5 kg of fruits and vegetables each day (Vazhacharickal and Buerkert, 2011; City Farmer, 2006). Up to the present time, there is no available statistics that can show how far urban farming is progressing in Mumbai, India. However, there are quite a lot of online videos and other written reviews showing that Mumbai is active in terms of promoting urban farming in this city. The number of Indian people who are actively supporting the practice of urban farming i s increasing. For instance, to compost kitchen waste and sell vegetables, fruits, and herbs, Levenston (n.d.) publicly announced that they are using 5,000 sq. ft. of unused rooftop for urban farming. To compost kitchen waste after feeding more than 30,000 employees, a 3,000 sq. ft. terrace in Mumbai Port Trust was converted into a kitchen garden (Pendharkar, 2008). Last December 2011, Rajesh decided to take advantage of urban farming as a form of business (gtsindia, 2012, 0:27; Levenston, n.d.). To sell urban farming produce to the market, Rajesh’s business partner mentioned that they have been talking to people including their prospective customers such as relatives and friends to support urban farming (1:25). Rajesh and his colleagues tried to convince 25 to 50 people to practice urban farming in their own balconies and terraces. However, one of the main problems that Rajesh have noticed is that a lot of people in Mumbai are still very reluctant whether or not urban farming is a reliable way of growing fruits and vegetables. To convince people to practic

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Election of 1828 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Election of 1828 - Research Paper Example The longest elections in american history have opened a new era of democracy and have brightened the way for future changes that will build constant vision of modern society. By 1828 the United States was by no means a nascent democracy by all standards with elections being hallmarks of a growing democracy. However, some elections were deemed as significant as they were controversial that they changed the election culture and served as a blueprint from which future political developments sprouted from. By the end of 1828, Americans had voted into office a man who was widely regarded as a champion of the common people1. The 11th elections proved to be a turning point in American history as, in as much as it was mired in smear underhand tactics and open character assassination, it heralded a return of party politics as it managed to whip the masses into two major party lines and the consequent party conflicts and bitterness would resonate for years. Andrew Jackson’s loss in the 1824 elections which were regarded as a ‘corrupt bargain’,2 and his ride to victory four years later through the support of the poor or working class clearly formed a template many future elections that were to follow where political power closely resembled the growing population of the United States. It was now possible for a person of humble descent like Andrew Jackson to ascend to the highest pinnacle of political power unlike where it was a reserve of a small clique of aristocrats. Andrew Jackson won in the election of 1824, but faced a loss to John Adams when the election was deferred to the House of Representatives3. He (Andrew Jackson) and his loyalist were outraged when the House of Representatives because of the influence Henry Clay, an unsuccessful presidential candidate and speaker of the house, awarded the presidency to John Quincy Adams. One may wonder if the process was free and fair and totally unbiased as a few days later, the president-elect John Quincy Adams named Henry Clay his secretary of state4. At the time, this was a position that had been a launch-pad for future presidents. The American people who had clearly demonstrated their preferred candidates felt betrayed by the very system that unified them as a people. One is compelled to raise various questions on the turn of events since Andrew Jackson won a plurality of electoral votes in the election which meant that he was the ultimate choice of the Americans. Andrew Jackson was devastated by the turn of events and one would understand his reaction at the time and devoted himself for the next four years to winning the presidency in the 1828 election: the next election. The modern Democratic Party was formed through the efforts of Andrew Jackson’s loyalist, Martin Van Buren. This political machine was one of the many strategies they used. Van Buren worked extra hard to gain popularity in the East as Andrew Jackson was already popular in the west. Nominations for the 182 8 elections changed and legislatures were tasked with the job of making the nominations. John Quincy Adams was re-nominated by the National Republicans while the Democrats nominated Andrew Jackson. The nomination presented a rematch between two great rivals of the time, Andrew Jackson and President John Adams. The campaign was one of the nastiest in American history. The elections of 1828 proved to be unique from all the previous elections in American history in various ways. The campaign was marked by considerable cased of mudslinging. This vice was uncommon during previous elections

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critical Assessment and comparison of the Competitive and Essay

Critical Assessment and comparison of the Competitive and Profitabbility of UK food retail Sector and the UK Oil and Gas Sector - Essay Example Even due to the economic downturn, it is still predicted to increase by 15% over the next five years in the future (SAS, 2011). It is still considered to be an impressive figure despite the fact that it represents a slow growth. Over 9% of GDP of UK is generated by the retail industry which is the success factor of retail companies overseas. With the increase of e-commerce, the products are able to reach through millions of consumers. Hypermarkets have become competitive in offering diversified products to their wide customer base. The major players in the market, Tesco, Asda, J Sainsbury and Wm Morrison accounts for 80% of the total market share (Lloyds Bank, 2012). London is considered to be a strong market for consumer shopping and many people including tourists are inclined towards purchasing in London. It beats out other developed cities including New York, Tokyo and Paris with total spending of ?64.2 Billion (GAIN, 2010). The recessionary periods have hit the retail sector of U K which is very disastrous for the sector, but from a wider perspective, the major players in the market have not undergone major changes which might reveal that the market is running smoothly for the longer term. This also means that the big players did not change their strategies for competition and did not find a need to undergo major changes. The UK retail sector provides biggest revenues to their companies which in turn increases the GDP growth of the nation. The presence of major players indicates that the sector is strong with major assumption of future growth (GAIN, 2010). Weaknesses: The UK retail market is a mature market which is not intended to grow in volume terms. The margins and earnings from the retail sector are threadbare and mostly the earnings are coming from the online stores. As the economy suffers from recession global downturn, it has been tough going for the UK retail market. According to Verdict research, 2012 growth rate of the UK retail sector would be 1. 2% which is the third lowest growth in the history of UK retail in 49 years (SAS, 2011). It has been forecasted that the non-food items in the retail sector would decline for consecutive fourth year as it would have a decrease of -0.5% (SAS 2011). Food is an essential item in our lives, but since the recession period it has allowed people to spend more but for the same quantity. The greatest weakness is the rising food prices over the world which is affecting sales of the major companies and is resulting in slower growth. The grocery section has been badly hit by the downturn which has decreased the consumers spending and now the industry is termed to be as ‘recession-resilient’. The major price drop has resulted in the industry which has hauled Tesco to provide promotional strategies which is the biggest player in UK retail. Asda did not carry out the move to lower its price and insisted that it was the cheapest provider of consumer goods. The rivalry is intense in the sector and has accounted for low profit margins and growth (GAIN, 2010). Opportunities: Even though the margins are threadbare in UK retail sector, the big four of the retail sector, Tesco, J Sainsbury, Asda and Wm Morrison are planning to buy 4 million of retail space which is equivalent to 130 average supermarket stores (SAS, 2011). This proves that the big players consider a growth in the sector in the future which provides an opportunity to grab market shares. According to the UK economy

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Chinese Environmental Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chinese Environmental Programs - Essay Example In this report we assess the tremendous environmental impact that industrialization has caused in the People’s Republic of China and how the Chinese government has concentrated on getting regulations and enforcement in place to reduce the extreme degradation that industries were bringing about in the environment. Here is a quick review of the nature of regulations that the Chinese government has been employing recently. The air was found to have heavy precipitation and highly convectional temperature swings in all parts of China. This was a direct result of the obnoxious gases that are released to the environment in the form of factory and automobile exhausts. The use of smoke filters was the very first regulation that China imposed on its automobile users, which was also accompanied by the restriction of ammonia rich fuels and raw materials in factories. This has helped reduce the level of precipitation to a great extent, although acid rains are reported in parts of the country still (MEPPRC, 2009, 56). The release of gases like sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide has been controlled by applying strict regulations to papermaking, steelmaking, power supply industries. This has led to the reduction of their content in the atmosphere by millions of tons. The country is full of rivers and it has been noticed that industrial releases like the ammonium and manganese wastes have caused enough harm to the flora and fauna found in the rivers. There is no doubt that, the river waters have turned poisonous not just for these creatures, but also for us. The governmental bodies have tested water of all the major rivers and have devised a national monitoring system that assesses the quality of water in each river and grades it. Grade V which is the highest order in terms of drinking safety is found in only a meager 2.3% of the river water that is found in China (MEPPRC, 2009, 26). Since the river water is undergoing extreme

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Leadership Blog Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership Blog - Assignment Example Therefore, the managers need to identify the leadership approaches which can help in integration of activities of the employees and achievement of goals and objectives of the organization. The traditional theorists regarded leadership as an integrated approach which focused on team work. Later, it was regarded as a powerful relationship which had the ability to influence its followers (Evans, 2003). The modern leadership theories proposed that the master servant relationship should be replaced by superior subordinate relationship. The leadership theory occurred in groups which involved the employees working together in unification towards a share goal. As per Author Adair (1984 cited in Mullins and Linehan, 2005) leadership can be expressed as a relationship with other individuals. Leadership can occur in various groups or social context and they should have followers. Leadership theories are concerned with how to convince the employees to attain the goals and objectives in a systema tic method. Leadership can provide direction, guidance and activity for a collective group (Mullins and Linehan, 2005). ... The approaches of the managers need to align with the business goals and objectives. One of the main objectives of the organization is to increase the presence of the organization internationally and create a niche for itself in the market. The Cross - Vergence theory focuses on the economic ideology that believes in integration of cultural values with western influence (Theimann, April and Blass, 2002).The theory identifies the significance of the cultural values and its impact on an organization. Therefore, the theory recognizes the importance of national, sub culture, and the economic ideology influences. For example HSBC is pervasive in more than 88 countries worldwide and follows the Cross Vergence theory for guidance purposes. It is not possible to develop a universal theory of leadership which can be applicable to all organizations and in all situations hence a manager needs to identify the various approaches required at different levels and act accordingly. The difference in the cultural values of the countries may lead to the adoption of different approaches by the managers. It is not possible for every manager to adopt a leadership approach which aligns with the cultural values of the countries. The followership theory proposed by Brown & Thornborn (1998 cited in Evans, 2003) categorized the employees in four types; sheep people, yes people, alienated survivors and exemplary followers. Sheep people are extremely uncritical and passive but yes people are completely dependent on the leaders for opinions. Survivors keep adapting to changes and exemplary followers are able to think creatively and independently. Managers can devote certain portion of their time for in development of their emotional intelligence which can help in understanding the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Made In Chelsea Analysis of an episode Essay Example for Free

Made In Chelsea Analysis of an episode Essay From the episode of Made In Chelsea I watched, I can say that the representations we have of upwardly mobile young city dwellers are that they are social-oriented, whose lives seem to be some care-free that they can cavort around various places in London—and the world—without any problems. We also only see characters of a certain age range—none are, we assume, above the age of thirty—of which the majority have no jobs or business, leading us to believe that they come from families of ‘old money’, and so having a job themselves would seem rather pointless. Saying that, there are a few characters who do possess their own business or thereabouts. However, our perceptions of the characters are very one sided, as we are constricted to seeing only one side of that character—the one that fits their current storyline the best. This prevents us from seeing, per se, the kind heartedness of a character that has just cheated on their partner. The words ‘characters’ and ‘storylines’ fit well with my next point; the conversations and the events that take place throughout the episode seem far too rehearsed and coincidental for them to be actual ‘reality’. Location shots are used of London sights and attractions to establish the setting of the scene. They also are only of Central London attractions, and the shops and restaurants et al all seem to highlight the wealth of the individuals who shop there, eat there etc. Reactions, for the majority of the show, are shown using over-the-shoulder shots to portray the reaction of the person who is being told something. There is also usage of eye line matching shots that show you what the character may have been looking at from their angle. The episode seems to comprise of short segments that have then been edited in post production so that they can seek out the most entertaining of segments. This is obvious as the episode transitions from one group of people at a restaurant to a boxing arena and then back to the restaurant again. Tzvetan Torodov’s narrative theory that conventional narratives are structured into five stages; Equilibrium—disruption—recognition—repair—reinstatement, could be present within the episode, as you can apply it to the situation between Louis, Spencer and Jamie (the love triangle storyline). The fact that it fits so well with Torodov’s theory does support the question â€Å"How much of Made In Chelsea is actually reality?†

Anne Franks Post Capture Diary Essay Example for Free

Anne Franks Post Capture Diary Essay The following all takes place between the time of Anne Frank and familys capture and her death in Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp  4th August 1944  I dont know what happened. I just dont know. There is no way they could have found without some despicable, racist and selfish person turning us in. Margot hasnt stopped crying. She is depending on me. I have to put on a brave face no matter how terrified I am of our destination and what awaits us there. The truck we are on smells of urine and something else disgusting I cant imagine what is secreting out. They tell us that we are going to a prison where we can meet other scum like us. I think it is them who should be locked up. After all it is they themselves who are the scum 5th August 1944  We have arrived at our destination. I caught a glimpse of the name. We are in Weteringschan Prison. It means the prison of death. I can see why. Rotting corpses are all around. Many of us have vomited at the mere sight. However we have been told there is worse to come. I cant imagine a worse place than this. I am beginning to feel an illness about me. If I am sickening for something this early on, I will never survive. Soon they are shipping us off to Westerbork. I assume that where I will perish. Im so scared. I dont know how much longer I can bear this August 8th 1944  This is it. I cannot go on living anymore. They separated myself and Margot from Mummy and Pim. I kicked up such a fuss that Margot had to pull me back to keep the guards from shooting me there and then. There are no words to describe how melancholy I am feeling right now. I just have to sleep and hope that this fiendish life is all just a nightmarish dream  September 3rd 1944  I was shaken awake by guards early this morning. I was not awake enough to catch all of what they said but I caught the gist of it. Auschwitz Death Camp. Those words stroke fear deep into my heart. All hope of survival drained instantly from my body. I didnt have the energy to fight back, so I stumbled onto the train with what few belongings I had left and watched my screaming tearful mother reach out to us. I couldnt stop crying for the whole journey. Why are the Nazis doing this to us? What have we ever done to upset anyone? Ive tried to lead a good life but obviously god needs to make Jews repent for something. Maybe this is like Noahs Ark. God is cleansing the Earth of all bad things. Maybe we are bad. Maybe we do deserve to die September 5th 1944  Westerbork isnt as bad I thought. Apparently the Germans just let the Jews run the place as long we work hard. Me and Margot have been sentenced to potato peeling. There are worse jobs out there! I still miss Mum and Pim so much though. I hope theyre okay  October 19th 1944  My hopes lifted when we were sent away form this horrible place. They descended back down again as soon as I realised we were just being transported to the worst place I had ever heard of. Bergen Belsen December 24th 1942  What a way to spend Christmas. Crammed in a dark dank hole with hundreds of others like us. There appears to be an outbreak of a disease with yellow pustules oozing blood in the rest of the tents. It is only a matter of time before it reaches me and Margot. Speaking of Margot, she is sickening a lot worse than me. She is as pale as a ghost. I dont know how likely it is for her to pull through January 12th 1945  The Germans might as well have abandoned us. There is no food or water. Everyone is covered in mud and scars. We only have bits of cloth to cover ourselves with. Worst of all Margot is taking a new turn for the worse every day. She cant even walk anymore. She spends all day in bed, just coughing and spluttering. The little food I get goes to her. Im so cold. We cant last much longer  19th March 1945  I cant go on. I woke up this morning. Margot didnt. I cant even walk as I am so grief-stricken. All hope is lost. Hitler will conquer the world and it shall perish at his hands  It is believed Anne died within a few days of Margot. They both perished of Typhus in March 1945.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effectiveness of Racial Discrimination Act in the UK

Effectiveness of Racial Discrimination Act in the UK Discuss the relationship between opportunities and outcomes of how successful legislation against racial discrimination has been a failure in the UK As Blackstone et al. (1998, p247-249) have argued, there have been many legislative initiatives within Britain to deal with the problems associated with racial discrimination. The problem of ‘man’s inhumanity to man’ has cropped up on numerous occasions in Britain since the problem of race discrimination was first recognised, officially, back in the 1960s. The progress of these initiatives can be discussed using the lexicon of opportunities and outcomes, a lexicon which has in many ways and often justifiably been regarded as failing to incorporate legislation which deals adequately with the problems relating to race discrimination in Britain. In historical terms discrimination against people of difference race, for example; Jews, Gypsies, Black People and Irish People had been a feature of everyday society prior to and during the 1960s. Speaking of racial difference in a discriminatory and disparaging way and the unequal treatment of foreigners was widely accepted in Britain during the 1960s, when this mentality first started to improve (Ifekwunigwe, J. (2004), p301). As Moore, R (2000, p1) acknowledges, migration to the UK was probably a catalyst for this problem, and in many ways this is still true today. Therefore the threads of racial discrimination, which existed years ago, exist today, giving momentum to the argument that the outcome of legislation in Britain regarding race discrimination has been a failure. The period immediately following the Second World War also saw huge numbers of foreigners coming into Britain. Even the British government of 1905 shared the prejudice which was rife within society, when it passed the 1905 Aliens Act, which made reducing the numbers of Jewish people in Britain a legislative objective (, 2006). These attitudes were encouraged by the presence of right wing groups and the fact that certain resources like hospital beds and housing provision among poor people were in high demand amongst both ethnic and British people. In assessing the background of how the forces of racial discrimination developed in Britain, it is possible to form an argument that the government did not do enough to use the opportunities of progress in other countries to try to ingrain more tolerance in British society, through the use of legislation. This too can be regarded as a failure on the part of the British government. But failure is a complicated matter and as more efforts were made by the British government to deal with racism, the idea of whether the outcome of their efforts was a failure becomes more complicated. The passage of legislation which prohibited racial discrimination has its main roots in 1965, when the first moves were made within Britain to accept racial discrimination as a problem that should be dealt with by the government. The move happened against the backdrop of a successful American civil rights movement in the early 1960s. 1965 saw the introduction of the first Race Relations Act, which included a definition of what racism was. This definition set down that it was unlawful to treat a person less favourably than another on the grounds of colour, race or either ethnic or national origins (, 2006). These steps have been criticised as being very limited, and some critics like Blackstone et al. (1998) have argued that the protections offered by the first Race Relations Act were hard for people to access as they were so difficult to prove. Therefore this piece of legislation can be described as in some ways a failure and in other ways, the somewhat successful outcome of an opportunity in which the government used a legislative tool to deal with problems associated with racial discrimination. 1968 saw the introduction of a new version of the Race Relations Act which made the parameters of making a claim of racial discrimination, broader in scope (, 2006). This is arguably an example of how Britain used a piece of legislation as an opportunity to address certain problems of race discrimination. However, one must look towards the outcome of this to measure the relative success of any legislation. This is a complicated task. The 1968 Act provided that it was unlawful for people to be discriminated against on the grounds of race in the areas of employment, goods and services, housing and trade unions (, 2006). The Race Relations Board which had been formed to ensure that the Race Discrimination Act was implemented appropriately had its membership increased during the late sixties, making the Board a more effective body. Although whether one accepts whether the Board was an effective body is a matter of opinion, indeed it can be argued here that the Board was successful in that it oversaw the implementation of the Race Relations Act, but it was limited in its mandate, as it could not oversee the functions of government or small businesses in its scope. The 1970s saw the introduction of the 1976 Race Relations Act which in still in operation today. This addressed the continuing problem of racial discrimination in Britain. How well the Act addressed the problem of race discrimination is the subject of much debate, and the answers to this question are rooted in subjectivity. The success of the Race Relations Act 1976 as the outcome of an opportunity is therefore a complex matter. The new Act defined two forms of discrimination, ‘Direct’ and ‘Indirect’. It also further defined the idea of victimisation, which was classified as a form of discrimination which was direct. On the more negative side many exceptions remained and this was not addressed by the Act; examples were, the recruitment process for certain types of jobs and certain roles within government were not covered by the legislation. Therefore a dichotomy exists relating to whether one can effectively argue how much of a success and/or a failure opportunities and outcomes associated with the problem of race discrimination in the UK have been. Blackstone et al. (1998, p247) have argued that much has been offered in terms of progress by the race relations legislation, yet Blackstone et al. (1998) have also argued; ‘Most of the problems that troubled the early 1980s are still with us. The political climate has, in a number of ways, remained unhelpful†¦.[1]’. It must be remembered however that the idea of failure is inherently linked with ideas of opportunities and outcomes in this discourse of racial discrimination provision and is also linked with how these processes have overlapped and complimented one another. Therefore, while it is easy to see the many failures of the British government to deal with the problems of racism, the outcomes of many of their attempts to deal with the problem of racial discrimination cannot be regarded as an abject failure, and equally cannot be regarded as a resounding success. The answer to this question, as is often the case, lies somewhere in between these two diametrically opposed positions. Bibliography Website: >> Books and Articles Blackstone, T, Parekh, B and Sanders, P. (1998) Race Relations in Britain: A Developing Agenda. Publisher: Routledge. Place of Publication: London. Ifekwunigwe, J. (2004) Mixed Race Studies: A Reader. Publisher: Routledge. Place of Publication: New York. Moore, R. (2000) Race, Class and Struggle: Essays on Racism and Inequality in Britain, the US and Western Europe. Journal Title: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Volume: 26. Issue: 2. Publication Year: 2000. Page Number: 372. Footnotes [1] p247. Blackstone, T, Parekh, B and Sanders, P. (1998) Race Relations in Britain: A Developing Agenda. Publisher: Routledge. Place of Publication: London.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Poem, Woman, by Nikki Giovanni Essay -- Poetry Analysis

The poem â€Å"Woman†, written by Nikki Giovanni, uses several metaphors to describe the journey of a woman and what she feels the man should do but will not do. She describes in many different ways how she wants support from the man, but he is unwilling to give it. In the first stanza, she starts the poem with the woman being a simple, insignificant thing. â€Å"She wanted to be a blade of grass amid the fields† (lines 1-2). Grass grows under your feet. Blades of grass are plentiful and ordinary. She just wanted to be just like every other woman. â€Å"But he wouldn’t agree to be her dandelion† (line 3-4). A dandelion is a deeply rooted weed. If it is pulled up by the roots, one has to get every single root up or the dandelion will grow back. This signifies that the woman wanted the man to be the solace in her life. In the second stanza, the woman in the poem is now referring to herself as a robin. â€Å"She wanted to be a robin singing through the leaves† (lines 5-6). Robins mostly stay in their own climate during the winter, and feed off of the berries in the tree. When spring is coming the robin starts to sing. â€Å"But he refused to be her tree† (lines 7-8). She wanted the support when she needed, but she also wanted the freedom to fly away when she needed to. The tree signifies structure and stability. She needed that stability, but he did not want to give it. In the third stanza, the woman has progressed into a spider. â€Å"She spun herself into a web and looking for a place to rest turned to him but he stood straight declining to be her corner† (lines 10-14). Spiders are normally very independent by nature. However a spider’s most desired place for a web would be a corner. A corner allows the spider a safe haven and many exit routs to esc... ...endent, aggressive, and predatory. Then she tried to be a book, a great resource. In her final attempt to get a response from him, she turned herself into a bulb, his vital life source. However she was a woman the whole time. The author could have been using metaphors to show what she thought were the characteristics of men and women. The poem more likely shows the progression of women over time to find their place in society and the man’s struggle to deal with it. The woman in the poem was desperately trying to find her place of significance. She learned in the end, that being who she was in other people’s eyes was less important than being who she was in her own eyes. Work Cited Giovanni, Nikki. â€Å"Woman†. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing.7th ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2004. 1098.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Adolescent Peer Pressure :: Peer Pressure Essays

In schools today, most students fall under the influence of peer pressure. Peer pressure is when "friends" persuade you to do something that you do not want to do. But maybe you want to do it, and you just don't have the courage to do it and your friends talk you into it. Peer Pressure can be broken down into two areas: good peer pressure, and bad peer pressure. Bad peer pressure is being coerced into doing something that you didn't want to do because your friends said that you should. Friends have a tendency to think that they know what is best for you. They always offer their opinion whether it is wanted or not. Well, if friends are going to tell you what to do, what can you do about it? The most basic thing that you can do is to say, "No, I don't wish to do that!" or if you want to do it, say, "Yes, give me a try!" For instance, if one of your friends offered you a cigarette, you might say "No, that just doesn't interest me." But being able to say no may not be the problem; the real problem arises when your friends repeatedly ask you to do something. This is where you have to be able to say to yourself, "I made a decision and I truly feel that my decision was the correct one", and then be able to express that repeatedly to all of your friends. This seems like a difficult task, doesn't it? It takes a tremendous amount of will power to be able to stand up to the people that you know, trust, and respect ... your friends. One of the major problems with peer pressure occurs when you get sucked into something that you really didn't want to do and subsequently, become addicted to it. Usually, people get backed into a situation to try illegal drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes and more times than not, these behaviors can become habit forming. If and when someone comes up and offers you one of these substances, it is your decision whether you want to try or continue to use these substances. You should be prepared to make these decisions and to make a good decision you must be educated on that topic. For instance, say you were going to buy a stereo. You wouldn't just go out and pick the one that looked nice; you probably would go to the library and look into it.

An Assessment of College Students’ Attitudes and Empathy Toward Rape Es

An Assessment of College Students’ Attitudes and Empathy Toward Rape Methods: The study is a descriptive cross-sectional survey implemented to assess students' attitudes toward rape and empathy toward survivors of rape. A pilot study using 30 college students with a two-week interval was used to establish reliability of the ATR and RES. Subject's birth day, month, and first three digits of their phone numbers were used as identifiers for the retest portion of the pilot study. A two-tailed t test was performed comparing test scores across the 2-week interval. Statistical analysis found a 1.0 correlation for demographic data, .91 alpha reliability coefficient for the ATR, and a .80 alpha reliability coefficient for the RES. Therefore, the ATR and RES were deemed reliable for the study. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assess rape attitudes and empathy levels of college students in a selected university setting in North Texas. Sample: A total sample of 300 subjects was needed to ensure representation within a confidence interval of 95% and .05 sampling error. The sample was drawn from the following courses: from the College of Business Administration, the course "Principles of Real Estate" provided 107 subjects; from the College of Arts and Sciences, the course "U.S. History to 1865" provided 89 students; from the College of Education, "Family Life/Human Sexuality" and "Health Emergency/First Aid" were selected, providing 110 subjects. Hypotheses: 1. Students who either have known a rape survivor or have themselves been a survivor of rape, will express more rape-intolerant attitudes toward rape and greater empathy levels toward rape survivors than students who have not known a rape survivor or have been the survivor of a rape. 2. Students with female siblings will report more rape-intolerant attitudes toward rape and greater empathy toward rape survivors than students without female siblings. 3. Female students will have more rape-intolerant attitudes toward rape and greater empathy levels toward rape survivors than those of their male counterparts. 4. Students over the age of twenty-six will demonstrate more rape-intolerant attitudes and greater empathy levels toward rape survivors than the students under the age of twenty-six. Variables: The dependent variables are attitudes toward rape and empathy toward rape ... ...homosexuals. Implications: In future research, it is recommended more exploration of the parameters of men's reactions to female-initiated coercion. A major question raised by this study is how forceful does a situation have to be before men respond negatively to female sexual coercion. This could be answered in a study in which the vignettes are varied by high levels of force. It is speculated that men's responses would also be influenced by sexual outcome of the situation (e.g., oral sex or intercourse) and physical appearance of the initiator (e.g., attractive or unattractive). Because the present study indicated that both men and women anticipate high psychological harm from a same-gender advance, the dynamics of these interactions should also be investigated by further vignette research. Limitations: The major limitation of the present study is that it assessed reactions to hypothetical coercion situations, not actual incidents. Whether victims' reactions to actual coercion will parallel findings of this study can only be determined by more research. However, the present study may serve as a source of ideas, variables and proposed relationships for future investigations.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Kellogg’s® Special K® Target Market Report Essay

Introduction As we know breakfast is one of our daily meals, it is the first meal of the day. However come to this modern era we eat out the lifestyle to makeup our breakfast itself more enjoyable and healthily. Due to the sufficiency alimentation contain in the breakfast cereal, nowadays most of the people are concentrate on it as taking it for breakfast. In this report, I’m going to segment on breakfast cereal industry base on the combination of geographical, demographic, psychographic and behavioral variables. I would like also select one product from the industry itself and describe how the product is positioned. The product that I have been chosen is Kellogg’s – Special K, which is manufactured by The Kellogg Company itself. 1.0 Segmentation Theory Segmentation as known as a process of distinguish buyers which differ in several ways into groups regarding to their needs, characteristics or behaviour. Market segments exist within feckly market. As a marketer, they have to try to different segmentation variables, alone and in combination to find out the best and most meaningful way to identify and analyze the market structure so it is more easily for marketer to achieve in business market ( Kotler. P et al.2006, 218 ). A seller will create a separate marketing program for each buyer as classifying according to their personal preference. Market segmentation comes before the second step and third step, which is market targeting and market positioning in develop idea of targeting market. There are four main major variables to observe in order to analysis consumer market segments, which is:- ( i ) Geographic segmentation Geographic segmentation will be analysing the different geographical such as region, city size, population density and climate. Firms will decide to progress their market into region as one or a few geographic variables according to the geographical differences. ( ii ) Demographic segmentation Demographic segmentation consists of identifying which variables which include age, gender, family sizes, family life cycle, income, occupation,  education, religion and nationality. Demographic segmentation is the most popular element for segmentation analysis as consumer wants and demands are observe throughout the demographic segmentation ( Kotler. P et al.2006, 230 ). ( iii ) Psychographic segmentation Psychographic segmentation are divided into different groups based on socioeconomic, status, values, attitudes and lifestyle grouping and personality. Basically, psychographic segmentation is used to combine with others segmentation variables as to analysis consumer market segments. ( iv ) Behavioural segmentation Behavioural segmentation that enables buyers to group which are purchase occasion, benefits sought, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, readiness stage and attitude towards product. Behavioural variables also trusted as the best starting point to identify the market segments. As mentioned, segmentation is the element for attempt targeted market and effective marketing plans. Thus, a clear picture and a detailed analysis for the market segments enable a firm to decide the marketing strategic in particular segments. Furthermore, a firm can also benefit from the multidimensional approach to market segmentation and the affiliated benefits are included better matching of customer needs, enhanced profits for business, better opportunities for growth, retain more customers, target marketing communications and lastly, gain share of the market segment. Eventually, a firm definitely will benefit from the multidimensional segmentation as they adopted it. 2.0 Target Market Identification Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is a lightly toasted, lightly sweetened rice cereal, high in flavor sort of breakfast cereal. Basically, it contains 7 fundamental vitamins and minerals which are essential nutrients that be supposed to contains in our breakfast. 2.1 Geographical traits Target market for the product Kellogg’s ® Special K ® are basically stressing on the urban city zone. Busyness lifestyle that implement by the residents result in none alimentation breakfast taken as their very first meal of the day. Targeting on this particular issue, Kellogg’s ® Special K ® are especially made-up for the urban residents. As we known, breakfast cereal can be taken rapidly and Kellogg’s ® Special K ® absolutely satisfy the time lacking issue in pragmatic lifestyle. Furthermore, sufficiently vitamins and minerals contained in Kellogg’s ® Special K ® intent to replenish to the residents who lack of nutrients to go with daily activity. Currently, Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is not only purchasable in nationally but also internationally and it considered as an internationalization’s breakfast cereal. 2.2 Demographic traits Basically, Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is designed for women who want to take the first step at breakfast to help manage their shape, yet there’s no gender, age, life cycle, occupation, education, religion and nationality barrier. Kellogg’s ® Special K ® can be consume by everyone who is concern overall condition in health, and this product especially recommended to the senior citizens and the busyness urban residents as it helps on boosting their metabolism. Nevertheless, the Kellogg’s ® Special K ® product can only purchase by those who have higher income as it is sort of the luxury breakfast cereal and it definitely suitable for urban residents as most of them receive a high wages. 2.3 Psychographic traits Kellogg’s ® Special K ® consider as a luxury product as it cost $16.40 for each and it is much suitable to consume by buyers who have a higher wages. Urban residents are wealthily and Kellogg’s ® Special K ® fits them well as the consumption for their breakfast. Therefore, regarding to the study of VALS lifestyles, it involves study that measuring consumers’ main AIO dimensions, which is activities, interests and opinions. Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is the higher level status product and it is most probably consume by those who are the higher and medium class in socioeconomics,  which have luxury income and affordable for Kellogg’s ® Special K ®. Kellogg’s ® Special K ® consumers are human being who concern to live out an outstanding, healthy and enjoyable lifestyle. They consume Kellogg’s ® Special K ® as result in they attach importance to the essential vitamins and minerals, which are important as part of a ba lanced meal. 2.4 Behavioural traits People who consume Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is much concern to health if compare to the others. Fundamental and various kind of vitamins and minerals become the major element of the consumption of Kellogg’s ® Special K ®. In this compressive stressed century, people are too busy until there is insufficient time for them to take a breakfast. Yet, they need a product which sufficiency provided them the nutrients to start up their daily activity, and this is the purpose Kellogg’s ® Special K ® made for. Most of the consumers reckon that Kellogg’s ® Special K ® gives the essentials of a breakfast and they trust in taking Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is way better instead of eating the breakfast which prepared by themselves. Indirectly, it forms a bound between the consumers and product, which is loyalty to the product. They trust, purchase and consume on Kellogg’s ® Special K ® as Kellogg’s ® Special K ® can lead them to an ideal lifestyle. 3.0 Visually Representing the Target Market Kellogg’s ® Special K ® Geographical traits As we can notice from the packaging of Kellogg’s ® Special K ®, every single word on that particular packaging has been returned in English language printed on it as English is the common language in Australia. Besides that, English also cognizance as the international language in this century. Eventually it shows that the target market for the product Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is differentiated into a lot of geographic variables all over the worldwide. Demographic traits As mentioned, Kellogg’s ® Special K ® is sufficiency alimentation contained and it’s an excellent source of 7 vitamins and minerals. Thus, the target market for the product Kellogg’s ® Special K ® itself is people who require abundance daily nutrients regardless to gender, age, life cycle, occupation, education, religion and nationality barrier. Kellogg’s ® Special K ® contains just 17% sugar, meaning that one 30g serving contains just 5g per bowl, around 1 teaspoon – this is much lower than that contained in other breakfast foods and half that contained in toast with jam (Special K Original. 2009)! It is also 99% of fat free and especially recommended to the women, who keen to kick start to healthy weight management. A great deal in protein will also give them a boost to their metabolism. A malty taste plays a important role to allure their appetite as consuming an enjoyable breakfast. A perfect health weight management Psychographic traits Nowadays, woman and ladies intend to manage their body shape and live out a healthier lifestyle. As we can see from the packaging, a 99% of fat free definitely will attract the consumption by woman, as it is a simple and convenient weight management program. The K letter itself shows in artistic form to inspire the picture of a prefect body shape to the consumer. Besides that, a well looking packaging of Kellogg’s ® Special K ® designed to deserve the purchase cost. It is also shows the ‘snob effect’ as consume it because it is one of the luxury breakfast cereal. All of these have been shown in the pictures of the part of psychographic traits. Behavioural traits Most of the consumers have the some thought towards Kellogg’s ® Special K ® product, which is lead them to a healthier and better standard of health’s condition. The image of cereal which contains 7 fundamental vitamins and minerals will provide sufficient nutrients to the consumers to kick start their brand new day. It helps to form a healthy body by providing the essential nutritions as what written in the nutrition information panel. Reference list Kotler, P. Adam, S. Brown, L. and Armstrong, G. 2006. Pearson Education Australia. Principles of Marketing: Analyzing consumer market segments. Kotler, P. Adam, S. Brown, L. and Armstrong, G. 2006. Pearson Education Australia. Principles of Marketing: Market targeting. Market segmentation – Why segment markets? (Accessed September 1, 2009) Special K Original k-original/9230/view-topic.aspx (Accessed September 1, 2009)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Advertising and Advertisement Contributes Essay

A story of mine come straightway to my mind. once I wanted a pair off of slipper, but after unveiling the supermarket, I was shocked for there were thousands of brands of slippers. eventually, I chose LULU which was the only brand Id ever seen on the television. tally to a well known sociologist, and I paraphrase, without publicizing, con matingers and merchants both drop aroundthing, which is to say that consumers lose the opportunity to obtain the single gibe them most and merchants may lose their capability customers. aturally, it is significant to advertise for the firms. meanwhile a recent survey conducted by sina. com give make this point valid and convincible. the sales volume of a certain mathematical carrefour doubles since its manufacturer advertise on a TV program. for most of cadence consumers dont know their received requirement at all, so their unavoidably to a certain kind of product is influenced greatly by the advertisements. for instance, my mother went obtain one day in holy order to buy some milk and vegetables, except she came back home with a pair of trousers n her words, just because she ever sawing machine it on a magazine. in addition, one of my classmates used to buy whatever he is interested in on.EBAY. com for about 2 times a week. considering the enormous advantages for manufacturers, advertisement has the necessity to remain. each coin, however, has its two sides. obsolete as the drawbacks of advertisement are, they do exist. some small companies completely rely on the boasting advertisement to attract consumers. in order to make the advertisement to be credible, they invite he celebrities, make special(a) good effect, and even film to bare their production. unfortunately, consumers are always wise plenteous to distinguish a fair promotion from one with exaggeration. Hence, those companies are bound to conform to the tremendous cost of advertising without benefiting from it. to sum up, the merits of adver tisement for corporations far outweigh its defects. thus, i strongly advocate that advertisement contributes to the working out of the profit of enterprises and should be retained.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Executive SummaryMobility, latest trends and technologies are three most significant factors that customer seek today when they walk-in in an electronic item’s outlet. Years before the journey of technology started out from the calculator the most basic computer as we call it. Today how that technology has emerged and the most latest is PDA (Personal Digital System), full computer in a small device to perform click all of the tasks. New Nokia Mobile phone has all the features of a desktop computer, no need of a laptop.You get your product to begin with.The english major source in use during cricket matches, exercising in the morning and during traveling for work or school. 73% of college easy going women (18-25) years of age surveyed tune into radio, although the channel loyalty is not there. The most frequent listening occurs after dinner time.This is different from male portable radio listeners as the FM channels are replacing cassettes as a music source while driving, o ther survey shows that second one of the popular source of music are the FM stations, FM 89, 91 and 106.Finding the demographics of your target marketplace will permit you to good tailor the launch strategy to the folks.

180 million), 16.667% of Pakistanis are young. Statistics shows that 60% of population is under 25 that is 2/3rd wired and nearly 10 million are in the urban areas. GEN X and GEN Y is the most experienced  and accessed generation in the human history.A merchandise is a new product procured or produced by the business to meet with the requirements of the customer.Our Secondary objective is to make good profits and make few more products like this with working hand in hand with the fashion and our way would be walking extract from earrings to necklaces, bracelets and other fashion accessories.Marketing ResearchMethods of Data collection:Basically there are two methods of data collection:1) Primary Data2) Secondary DataPrimary Data Collection:Primary available Data is that data which is collected specifically for the project at hand. The primary data for our assignment resulted from the unstructured interviews that we conducted from different many friends and family members and also many strangers.Secondary Data Collection:Secondary Data is that data, which has already been collected for some other purpose but can be used as reference material.The aim is getting your product into the industry although delivery methods vary widely based on the product.

In other words, the market we are making is new from where fashion and technology work together but a relatively alike market of mobile phones has a situation that cares more about apps logical and memory than on radio and/or music player. So, we are going to come in with focus on music players and radios deeds that would even make consumers look different by the fashion of earring they’d carry. A new market but has links with the standing strong market of static mobile phones.The ProductIntroduction of product:Now days, mobility is becoming an important factor in electronic devices.A superb product isnt simple to define since itll mean things.Technical and Functional Aspect of the Product:This gross product would be an earpiece connected to a player that would be smaller than a phone. Both the devices would be connected via Bluetooth. Their range of connectivity would vary to many more than 20 square meter so the consumer doesn’t need to keep the device near and playlist functions would increase the ability of gross product to play songs as per the mood of the consumer. Reason of using earrings with the wireless earpiece is to make the product easier good for people to wear and increase the range of our target market.To start with, youre mindful of how much it costs to create your merchandise.

Issue: How to identify the potential outlets?Mission statement:â€Å"We are the followers of the latest trend we strongly believe that fashion develops, we provide the best and quality is never compromised. Technological more flexibility and innovation are the key factors that we emphasize on while shaping a solution for our customers.† Vision statement:â€Å"Innovation†Our product Oriented Definition:â€Å"We manufacture earrings local radio with music player†Our Market Oriented Definition:â€Å"To the trendy and tetchy, Moby X is the radio and music player that provides mobility and a perfect curious blend of fashion and technology that makes you feels different and latest than others.†Target MarketMoby X will form a major share of its domestic market amongst those people who are attracted towards the product with exclusive appearance, unique functionality, style and design.Describe the way your target marketplace free will get your merchandise and also how youll market your goods.The mini chip radio and music player in the earrings itself is fascinating and will communicate on its own towards the people who are engrossed through mini products.Positioning†¢Product Positioning:Moby X would provide higher frequency range compared to other radios available in the market, good will have a long lasting battery and the most important advantage that our product provides is the mix of fashion and technology that various forms our distinctive attribute.Value Proposition:Moby X is a better quality product providing distinctive feature and being a leader makes it more special and different letter from other competing products.  LAPCO using latest Japanese technologies is most reliable and durable.In the product description, you should explain what product or your service is, the particular thrust of apply your strategy and the strategies thatll be used to do your own objectives.

†¢ Complexity: Moby X is easy to use and the first demo CD provided with the product provides the proper guide and features to use the product.†¢ Divisibility: Moby X is an expensive product and initially no discounted rates can be offered.†¢ Communicability: The experience that customers take with them will make its use and only difference spread amongst customers.Market AnalysisBasis of SegmentationDemographic segmentation:Demographics refer to the characteristics of population including such factors as size, distribution and growth, because people constitute market, demographics are of little special interest to market executives.In the end, it is not mysterious and youll be able position to promote your company or to manage a person to deal with advertising for you once you understand how pieces fit together.Any one lying in the income bracket of Rs 50,000+ can afford this productPsychographic Segmentation:The psychographics of the Moby X can be analyzed by r eviewing the advertisement. The lifestyle shown in Moby X advertisements portray successful, sophisticated, professional women who are active energetic and full of life. Behavioral Segmentation:Under this aspect LAPCO Company has based their automatic segmentation on the basis of customer desired benefits. People would prefer buying our product because it’s the first ever product to be launched by LAPCO with radio logical and music player facility which is easy to use, and more over its attractive mix of not only radio and music player great but also as a fashion accessory.The plan has to be accessible to any employee at any given moment.

Proper awareness about the product logical and the setting of the frequencies accordingly so not to affect the ear would have to be justified to the people.Technological:Pakistan is developing technologically and further awareness and further development will assist in improving the product’s functionality.Competitor AssessmentCOMPETITOR ANALYSISMoby X is competing in portable media industry.Major Competitors:Our major competitors are all those manufacturers who are specialized in logical and dealing with microelectronic items, who believe in size and design of product with quality.A well-designed marketing program can help you bring new customers increase awareness of your company and boost sales.COMPETITIVE STRATEGIESDifferentiation:Moby X is an innovation in the arena of radios and all kinds of classical music players. It gives connectivity to the outside world in a way that adds value and beauty to the face.Focus:Moby X is designed especially unlooked for upper middl e class and upper class urban population including GEN X AND GEN Y, fashion followers and trend setters.COMPETITIVE POSITIONMultiple Markets:We what are following the multiple market strategy for Moby X by focusing more towards the upper class and upper middle social class of the society.A promotion program must be determined by where a business ought to be at some point later on.

Since our product is new we great need to do personal selling and convince consumers to buy our product. Then eventually as we gain a foot hold in the market we will have retailers selling our product.Marketing StrategyMARKETING MIXPRODUCT CLASSIFICATION:Moby X is broadly classified as consumer product and under this category we define it as a own specialty product because it is a perfect mix of style and technology. It involves strong brand preference and loyalty, special purchase efforts by consumers, little comparison of brands and low price sensitivity.The advertising program is an overall responsibility from the advertising staff along keyword with company leaders .It includes 3 years’ money back warranty and a pair of fabulous earrings along with the product. Customers are encouraged to fair share their views about the buying experience of the product and after sale experience through surveys conducted at the outlets. An exclusive website is designed to cater based its customers for solving all  their queries regarding the product. Online purchasing service is also available.Face it is a chore.

3 years (Limited) Warranty.Size – (1/3x 1/3 x 3/8) mm is the size of radio chip. 30 x 20 x 5 mm is the size of the earring. Weight – 1/2 oz is the low weight of the earring radio.Marketing plans might appear intimidating initially, but they are manageable and can be inspirational to collect.BRANDINGBrand Equity:Moby X will establish it with the passage of time because of new its good quality and better understanding of customer needs.Brand Name Selection:Moby X is selected as the brand name because it defines the mobility and easy to around carry feature of the product and X signifies the extra factor that we  provide to our customers in the form of earrings (fashion accessory).Brand Sponsorship:LAPCO is manufacturer’s brand.Brand Development:No extension.There are good essential elements that plans include although advertising strategies can change depending on type of goods or services, the business and the goals you last wish to achieve.

Free demo CD is also given. Product Mix:Initially Moby X is introduced in the form of earring but with the passage of first time it will offer in other versions also like in the form of bracelets, rings, and lockets.Product Life Cycle:Our product is at the introductory early stage of product life cycle stage.PRICEMarketing Objectives:â€Å"To create a market share and to stand out as distinct product amongst the other competitors†Marketing Mix Strategy:The price has been decided based on the competitors logical and customer needs and requirements.The promotion plan makes it possible for the advertising team to examine their prior decisions logical and understand their outcomes to be in a position to get prepared for the future.PRODUCT PRICING STRATEGYComparing competitor’s pricingCompetitorPriceSinclair XI Button RadioRs. 2304.93FM Mini Radios Rs.719.3500.PLACEMENTThe product would be sold through â€Å"Indirect Marketing Intermediary†. The product will be sold through push strategy that is product would be first distributed to the wholesalers and then to retailer. The retailers would assist in creating contact with the other retailers which would expand the network and add value.

Newspaper:Moby X is an expensive and new product. There is need to create awareness amongst people that such a product exists. ‘Dawn’ newspaper would be a better choice to advertise being one for the most popular newspapers in Pakistan. A full page would be dedicated to advertise the product providing  a detail know how of the features and distinctive attributes.Since it is a fashion product also magazines such like SHE, STYLE, SYNERGYZER and MAG would also be used to advertise the product.Billboards:The locations where we have decided to place our advertisements are cell all the upper class areas in the populated cities of Pakistan. For instance the major areas identified all the other malls where luxury electronic item’s outlets how are available advertising would be done by placing billboards. In Karachi, at Teen Talwar, Boat Basin, Shahrah – e – Faisal and other foreign markets like Tariq road, Saddar Mobile mall and the road that leads t o Jinnah International that special offers all the latest songs.Sales Promotion:One free pair of earring apart from the one already provided in the package would be given with the product.Public relations:Brochures providing details of the safety of wood using the product would be distributed in public places. Articles about the working and flexibility in use would be published in a leading magazine to inform the public about the safety in using this product.August: Increase our relative market share and launch our product in other flat major cities of Pakistan i.e. Lahore, Islamabad.September: We will start an integrated internet campaign targeting young college students.